About Us
The Choice WCGM
WCGM provides the best Gospel Music on the internet. In 2021, Windy City Gospel Music was launched on Life 365 airing for the first time.
We are committed to touching the hearts and lives of our listeners through traditional, contemporary and quartet gospel artists; while giving a platform to national and independent gospel artists. The start of 2023, Windy City Gospel Music id changed and is now WCGM-DM Radio; here we promote truth, love, healing and peace in every situation. We share current news, community events, artists updates and Christ centered music.
Mission....Kingdom Focused
Our mission at WCGM is to connect our listeners to Christ, share the Gospel of Christ through music, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together under His banner, and impacting our community. We will direct our efforts on providing gospel music that honors God while we trust that He will take care of the rest.
Goals. Striving for Excellence
Our goal in all aspects is to Glorify God, introduce the unsaved, encourage and uplift our audience as they experience God through song. We want to drawn our listeners into the adventure of the Christian journey of faith. WCGM will provide professional and high quality music and media to our listeners around the world.
And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."
Mark 16:15